Retirement and Beyond

Explore latest resources below that may help you with your questions on retirement and beyond.
Wealth Booster
HLA Wealth Booster Plus

Life has many important milestones. It would be your dream to achieve them all with an intelligent savings approach. Take advantage of the HLA Wealth Booster Plus plan to turn your dreams into a reality!

HLA Wealth Booster Plus is an investment-linked insurance plan that allows you to accumulate savings so that you and your family are free of financial worries and uncertainties.

HLA CompleteCover
HLA CompleteCover Premier

What if you can have an insurance plan as a companion throughout your life journey 

 HLA CompleteCover is a regular premium investment-linked plan that provides coverage against death and comes with a wide array of riders for a comprehensive protection solution at every stage of your life whether it’s taking the first step into adult life, getting married, becoming parents, starting a business or buying a home.